If you run a retail shop or restaurant, you will constantly be thinking of new ways to attract customers to your establishment and increase revenue. When the décor in your establishment is outdated or doing you no favors, you may be considering remodeling or renovation. Artificial greenery has become a popular option in recent years for many reasons, and you may wish to consider this for your retail space, too. Unreal Designs is here to help you take charge of your retail space to ensure clients flock to your premises!
About Retail Establishments & Restaurants
There are a wide variety of retail establishments including salons, spas, restaurants and cafes. Most of these establishments wish to sell an experience more than a product. Thus, the ambiance matters. This is where Unreal Designs comes in - to craft an exclusive venue that is designed to be a treat for the senses. With a wide variety of products, from boxwood hedges to custom mats, we go above and beyond to ensure your facade is impeccable. .
Studies have shown that greenery has the power to induce a sense of calm and tranquility. Artificial greenery will allow your customers to relax and unwind while browsing or enjoying your services. Because they require so little maintenance, all you need to do is get them installed and you can continue benefiting from them for years to come.

Studies have shown that greenery has the power to induce a sense of calm and tranquility. Artificial greenery will allow your customers to relax and unwind while browsing or enjoying your services. Because they require so little maintenance, all you need to do is get them installed and you can continue benefiting from them for years to come.

An artificial living wall makes for an excellent photo-taking opportunity in a restaurant. . This can be installed to maximum effect at an outdoor seating area like an outdoor wedding, or even the wall of a sauna. At Unreal Designs, we have custom artificial walls because we believe in fit-for-purpose products
Why Should Retail Establishments & Restaurants Work with Unreal Designs, Inc.?
Since our inception, Unreal Designs has been providing retail establishments & restaurants with the high-quality products and services they require. Each of our team members has years of experience in the industry, whether that is in installation, fabrication, sales, or assembly.
If you are interested to learn more about our artificial greenery for retail establishments & restaurants, please feel free to contact us today.