Creating a Cozy Oasis: Incorporating Boxwood Hedges for Fall-Inspired Outdoor Spaces

Boxwood hedges are the perfect accessory for your outdoor spaces this fall season. In an instant, boxwood hedges add life, color, and coziness to your space. Enhancing your outdoor spaces with boxwood hedges this season will immediately enhance your space and your guests' experience.
There are countless benefits to choosing artificial hedges. Of course, they are a gorgeous, lively green all year round. Our artificial greenery is UV Rated, weather resistant, and maintenance free. Another key benefit is the immediate creation and addition of privacy to your space. In an instant, artificial hedges transform and re-define your outdoor space, making it better than ever before.

At Unreal Designs, we believe customization is key. We work with our clients to design the best artificial hedge for their space and their needs. Different shapes, sizes, and arrangements fit different client’s needs. We always strive to meet those custom needs and exceed expectations when it comes to artificial greenery.

There are many factors to be considered when deciding on the perfect addition of artificial greenery and hedges to your space. Your desired level of privacy can help determine the perfect size and placement for your artificial hedges. Often, when it comes to choosing your artificial greenery, you’ll want to see what fits well with your existing space and greenery. We have a variety of colors and greenery to choose from when creating your perfect artificial hedge. Click here to see our wide-ranging options:

Once you have your artificial hedge and custom greenery, the design fun doesn’t stop there. In fact, it’s only getting started. Artificial hedges can be built to be easily moved and rearranged to fit your space and its ever changing needs. Align and adjust to increase your privacy when desired. Also, easily add lighting, florals, and accents to your artificial hedges or living wall to fit your theme.
While the weather may change with the seasons, you can be sure your artificial hedges will not. Built to last, our artificial hedges are resilient against both the bright, summer sun and the cold, brisk winters. Artificial hedges can be set to fit an open, summer scene, or a secluded winter getaway.

The benefits of artificial hedges may be endless, but it’s never been easier to add artificial greenery to your space. When you’re ready to design your own artificial hedges, contact us at unrealdesignsinc @, or give us a call at 760.877.8735, and we’ll be happy to start this journey with you.